Rapunzel: Disney Vs. Cartoon

Rupunzel is one of the best modern Disney movies to date in my opinion. It has funny characters and scenes, as well as great character development. However, it differs a lot from the original tale, and a closely related cartoon retelling of the original Grimm tale called Rapunzel Story | Rapunzel Cartoon Story 2019 | …

Hansel And Gretel: MGM Style!

Hansel and Gretel is one of the most famous tales by the Brothers Grimm. It features two children, named Hansel and Gretel, who after getting separated from their family have to try to find their way back home. However, along the way, the two children encounter a witch who has a house made of gingerbread, …

Little Red Riding Hood: Fixed Fairy Tales

Fixed Fairytales is a youtube series about European folk tales and “how they should have ended” or should have been told. The narrator is an owl who lives in a castle tower, and is the main story teller. The company who makes it is known as Klopp Animation, marketing this series towards kids, but even …

Cupid And Psyche, The Frog King: Two Very Different Tales, Yet Similar Ones

The Frog King and Cupid and Psyche, despite having different origins and different plots, still share a lot of similarities. (The Frog King is a fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm, while Cupid and Psyche is a Greek tale) For one thing, both tale star a beautiful young maiden who is sought after by many, …

How Similar Was The Original Grimm Snow White Compared To The Disney Version?

The classic Disney 1937 film known as Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs is something most disney fans have already seen or know about. It’s a story that has been given a whimsical attitude, with likeable and funny characters to make the story all the more interesting and enjoyable. The original tale the movie was …

Is What Happened In Cinderella Feasible?

One of the core principles of the fairy tale known as Cinderella is that she was able to achieve monetary security through the divine magic and marriage to her prince. In the tale, Cinderella’s father married her evil stepmother, who already had two daughters from her previous marriage. They were snoody, and treated Cinderella like …

What Exactly Is A Fairy Tale?

What is a fairy tale, one might ask. Some people might think they’re synonymous with legends, myths, or other stories of that sort. A fairy tale is usually a short story, or tale, passed down from person to person orally. Some of the most famous ones are from German literature, such as Little Red Riding …

Comparison: The Brothers Grimm Film Vs. Real Life

The Brothers Grimm is a 2005 film starring Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm. In the movie, the two of them were trickers, trying to get by on exorcising witches and other creatures from legend the common people knew about through folk tales. The brothers wrote down these tales to better understand how to trick people, but …

Why Am I Taking This Class? – First Entry

1. Why did you chose this as your First Year Seminar? First off, my name is Jack Mendenhall, and I am a student of Dr. Esa’s First Year Seminar From Grimm To Disney. I chose this first year seminar because I am interested in European cultures and traditions, plus the fact that I grew up …

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